The ‘Wearable Art’ Assignment

Beautiful yellow jeans jacket

For a recent assignment, an artist/existing client that’s branching into new avenues asked us to create a fashion session with models in order to demonstrate his ‘wearable art’.

Full length with yellow jeans jacket
Purse and denim vest outfit together

Each new outfit was “ooo’d and ahh’d” over, keeping the session fresh the entire time.

Seated with denim vest and purse

The session went really well, with 2 teenaged models having 9 or 10 clothing changes each.  The youthful clothing styles and hand painted artwork (tested to be wash resistant) made this incredibly fun.  In fact, we were having a blast!  The youthful models, their excitement, the client’s enthusiasm and our photography team combined for a high energy, extremely enjoyable day.

Pale blue “washed denim” jacket

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