When You Need the Best for Your Money

How do I take a tiny item like this:

One quarter inch, life sized is all that is

and turn it into something you can easily see and appreciate, like this?

demo of focus stacking
Many times life sized garnet

Wizardry!! That’s how!

Seriously, though…. I’m blogging about jewelry a lot these days, because it’s the business that’s coming in the door.  I love photographing food, too, but with the restaurant business being so restricted by COVID 19 compliance, there’s less call for what I do in the food industry right now.  With dining establishments on restricted hours or days, there might be more time, but the restrictions have impacted the potential budgets for new marketing.

Earlier this year I created a Facebook post about some of the special techniques I bring to jewelry.  Other fine products I photograph require special techniques as well, but jewelry, being so small, is very specialized.

Tiny details help lend scale.

To show your work to the best of it’s ability, call 724-730-8513.  Or email jeff@jeffbehm.com Serving the eastern United States

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Looking for the best photography for jewelry, food, advertising and more?


Jeff Behm Photography

Email: jeffbehm@behmphoto.com

Phone: (724) 730-8513

Based in Frederick, MD


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