Tag Archives: theatrical


You want a custom look for your headshot?  NO PROBLEM! Now, honestly, I realize this slogan is a stre-e-etch.  I mean, “US to YOU” cleverly hidden as red letters in a phrase that otherise is all black letters? It’s just plain silly. But being silly doesn’t matter as much as whether you stop to look. ...

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Business Portraits – More Than Meets the Eye

“Make certain your image creates a strong, positive first impression on your behalf!” There’s more than a cliche in that statement. The common phrase “headshot” or “head shot” is your online introduction to new contacts in business.  Consider it to be what it is – a business portrait to ensure a good first impression. Creating...

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Military Officers Association of America and Robert Priest

I determined to create a stage-like set in my rental space, with a 20 foot wide black muslin stretched between multiple background stands. It provided the common look of many a stage with black curtains and gave Robert some space in which to act out his routine while I photographed from a tripod using a wide lens.

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Frederick Commercial Photographer logo, Jeff Behm Photography

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Looking for the best photography for jewelry, food, advertising and more?


Jeff Behm Photography

Email: jeffbehm@behmphoto.com

Phone: (724) 730-8513

Based in Frederick, MD


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