Planning for a New Food Photography Session

Who knew?  Frederick, Maryland, chocolate heaven.  Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming post about our photography of truffles!  Meanwhile, here’s a recent photography/lighting test in preparation.  We have here a S’mores, a Peanut Butter and a Caramel.  There was a Pistachio, but it proved too tempting!  It was worth it, though!

Photographic assignments have taken Jeff Behm all around the western hemisphere, in addition to serving his local areas of Frederick, Washington, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard and Baltimore counties.  Services provided include photography in advertising, aerial, food, executive portraiture and commercial use at the highest levels.
For outstanding professional photography, located in Frederick, MD., call 724-730-8513 to speak with us.

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Looking for the best photography for jewelry, food, advertising and more?


Jeff Behm Photography


Phone: (724) 730-8513

Based in Frederick, MD


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