Well, it’s probably safe to assume that if you knew of the furor over Instagram’s revised terms of service, you also know that they’ve retracted the planned changes due to the firestorm of negative comments unleashed.
I learned of the change last night (Tuesday) driving home from a client meeting around 6PM when WTOP radio (the big CBS talk news station in DC) announced that Instagram has retreated from this over a massive firestorm of resistance and criticism. Good!
The editor they interviewed from CNET said that it was an attempt to mollify stockholders, unhappy with the losses since the IPO, by creating a cash cow from Instagram. Talk about misjudgment!!!!!! That’s astronomically bad thinking, maybe even panic stricken thinking. It’s also a disturbing reflection of their opinion of the rights of the users. As a friend has said, we are their product. Even more succinctly put is the quote from the CNET article stating we’re seen as cows, “so shut up, enjoy the grain and keep giving free milk”.
Still, one for the little guys.