Jewelry and a Photographic Passion


Jewelry photography is a passion with no logical explanation


I really have no idea why that might be the case, except I appreciate the combination of delicate art and beautiful stones.  


My start in photographing jewelry comes from my association with King’s Jewelry, a chain headquartered in New Castle, PA. where I was located for the first quarter century of my business, before relocating to Frederick, MD. in 2010.  Since then there have been many notables, including Dominion Jewelers and Vortex 13, DaLori and others.

New Castle is as close to Pittsburgh as Frederick is to Washington DC and Baltimore, so it was a convenient blend of city access and country quality of life, being more rural, just as Frederick is. But nothing in Pittsburgh was as convenient as King’s main office being right next door, both literally and figuratively.

Out of that association so many years ago, grew my appreciation both for the the difficulty of fine photography of jewelry and gems, and for the beauty that is achievable.  Doing that beauty justice is my constant goal.

Thanks as always to Jessica Stoddard for her able and patient assistance on this assignment.

“Only the Best will Do” is my company motto, and it is never more true than when it comes to the fine art of photographing jewelry!  

Call 724-730-8513 to discuss your needs, or email me at

Only the Best Will Do

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