Restaurant and Food Photography

Quality photography is critical to food sales for restaurants, vendors and grocers


photo©Jeff Behm

photo©Jeff Behm

When it comes to food and photography, I never forget that people buy with their eyes.

The quality of photography is critical to food sales for that reason.  Prior to my 30 years in professional photography, I managed top quality restaurants in the midwest for almost a decade.  I love food.  Showing it to it’s best advantage is important – to you and to me.

If you’re anticipating food photography, consider another fact.  Most chefs are much better at producing food for consumption than they are at producing food for photography; an entirely different mindset.

Like most great photography for commercial and advertising uses, a stylist is an important asset, and we have several with whom we work, including great food stylists, some local to Frederick, others traveling from Baltimore, Washington DC or Pittsburgh, as needed.

Surf 'n' Turf

Surf ‘n’ Turf


When you need great photography for your food business, call Jeff Behm Photography at 724-730-8513

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Looking for the best photography for jewelry, food, advertising and more?


Jeff Behm Photography


Phone: (724) 730-8513

Based in Frederick, MD


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