Tag Archives: magazine

Two Months Late?  Why?

As you’ll see in the poster, this event took place on October 30, 2024 at Jason Cline’s Lockhouse Studios in Frederick, MD. (https://www.lockhousestudios.com/).  It was fantastic!  A complete replica set inspired by the movie “The Shining”, beautifully built by James Meech of Meech Creative and designed/styled by Megan at BeeCat Creative. It was a packed...

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A Little Cosplay play

My friend, associate, and frequent collaborater, Robin (rcfarrell.com), in addtion to being an extraordinary video editor and screen writer (and videographer, though she won’t admit that) is also a gifted and dedicated cosplayer, with a wealth of characters in her resume. In planning for an upcoming photoshoot for a costume she’s still developing for a...

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A Little Bread, the Staff of Life

I love bread. Especially fresh from the oven bread! These images are a combination of having a little fun as well as in honor of my love for bread. In the original fantastical posts I made on my own social media, the baguettes above were alive, coming towards us. Then there was a pile of...

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Jeff Behm Photography: Not Just for Jewelry!

I photograph a lot of jewelry and write about the experience and techniques often.   For some of our jewelry photography see: https://www.jeffbehm.com/jewelry, https://www.behmphoto.com/jewelry-and-a-photographic-passion/, https://www.behmphoto.com/a-pearl-of-a-golden-opportunity/, https://www.behmphoto.com/what-do-you-love-to-create-yep-we-photograph-that/, But wait!  There’s more! Truth is, those same techniques apply to other subjects as well.  For instance, electronics.  In this post we’re showing capabilities in electronics manufacturing for Al-Tech...

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Frederick Commercial Photographer logo, Jeff Behm Photography

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Looking for the best photography for jewelry, food, advertising and more?


Jeff Behm Photography

Email: jeffbehm@behmphoto.com

Phone: (724) 730-8513

Based in Frederick, MD


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